Sunday, August 11, 2013

Miley Cyrus - The Backyard Sessions - "Jolene" The X Factor (USA) [2013]

Miley Cyrus - The Backyard Sessions - "Jolene" The X Factor (USA) [2013]

Monday, August 5, 2013

In recent years, as the number of employees per table, waist, neck and back pain began to increase.

Initially they can be treated with exercise and pain painkiller, can turn into chronic diseases in the future. Workers, especially seen sitting in low back pain, herniated disc by increasing the risk of being.Under stressful working conditions, the right one is the best solution to the raging pain in sitting posture and regular exercise ... Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Doctor Mustafa Corum what measures should be taken against back pain talked with ... 

What are the factors that trigger pain in the waist?

One of the reasons that restrict the physical functions of workers under the age of 45 back pain. We collect three groups of factors that triggered the workers back pain. These are work-related, personal and psychological factors. Work-related risks for heavy duty work, leaning forward, long-term study and work in the same position. Personal factors, lack of exercise or movement, scarcity, back to back muscles weakness, obesity and smoking can say that low back pain triggered. Dissatisfaction with the employee's job that psychological factors, listed as monotonous working conditions and stress.

What should be done to prevent low back pain? 

We use in daily life and business environment, the right waist. For example, make sure your posture while sitting or standing. To lift and move heavy objects correctly. Lie down on the right, turn right, towards lean forward. Choose the best bed on the right sleeping position to sleep. Take regular exercise. Risk factors for low back pain triggers your condition as much as possible, and hold up well to avoid.

Desk workers should pay attention to what? 

Staff are always sitting in the back of the chair so that it touches the curve of the waist should sit and use a pillow to protect. During the study of the spine creates excessive bending forward and backward or sideways stretching movements and positions should be avoided. Should not be too far from the computer screen, the screen should be below eye level, nor too much on what. Knees at an angle of 90 degrees so that it stands studied.Whether occasional breaks during the day given the opportunity to muscles and joints, relaxation and rejuvenation. Seat adjustments must be replaced occasionally. In this way, the seat for seat adjustment caused by changes in the joints, muscular stance and stresses also can avoid subordination.

When back pain starts to become dangerous. So how long after a patient physician aching waist to apply?

Low back pain at least once during the life of the people caught in one. But most of them are usually resolves within the first 1-2 weeks. For example, a low back pain due to heavy lifting and resting difficulties, and hot or cold applications are simple to use pain-relieving drugs is recommended. Despite this treatment do not improve in a few days, radiating pain and numbness in the leg is present, urine or fecal incontinence happens, the foot or leg weakness has already absolutely physician should be consulted.

What treatments are effective and low back pain? Does the surgery is decided really quickly? Before this can be done?
Rahatsızlıklarken eliminated 98 percent of the treatment of low back pain medication and exercise, surgery is indicated in only 2 percent. Treatment is determined based on the causes of low back pain. To put in the diagnosis X-rays, laboratory tests and imaging studies such as CT scan and MRI may be necessary. If there is a disease that requires surgical treatment, physical therapy, drug therapy, lower back and abdominal exercises, injections, conservative treatment can be applied, such as manual therapy. Physical therapy and rehabilitation practices to reduce pain and low back pain, muscle spasm elimination, waist, abdomen and buttocks muscles around the implementation of a very effective treatment for strengthening and posture training.

To prevent back pain, regular exercise and fitness is recommended. Lower back and abdominal muscles to be strong, for the elimination of excessive muscular tension sporlardandır recommended yoga and Pilates. There are many positive effects of swimming in the low back pain.

The best exercise is called the backbone to swim, but not up to what to do? 
Strengthens the abdominal and back muscles, swimming sport plays an important role in the treatment of low back pain is done on a regular basis. Should be made for those who can swim with exercises for the spine. There are very simple exercises at the table, even walkable. They are approximately 30 to 40 times a day when it is done in a routine way is very useful for back or neck pain.

What are the benefits of doing exercise? 

Structures that support the spine, and the spine strengthening exercise, reduces the risk of strain and injury, improves posture, reduces back pain, accelerates healing and prevents recurrence of low back pain. So exercise is a must for physical therapy.

Pilates and yoga are very popular both types of activity. Do you have the backbone of these losses? 

Pilates and yoga, balance, muscle strength, flexibility and strengthen the entire body to give the correct posture and flexibility exercises focusing on the systems. Do not damage the spine correctly applied. According to one's need for exercise and should be applied.Unnecessary constraints or unconsciously built a solid spine movements can cause problems even. It also can convert to permanent disability and even deformation of the body is a smallish person is not even aware of the trigger the start of a hernia. People with low back and neck discomfort to the doctor or the doctor did not see a situation to exercise pilates or yoga can interfere.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Despite an increase in air-conditioned environments temperatures presence with each passing day, the weather changes and causes respiratory diseases.

Cough is the most common symptoms of respiratory diseases. Cough, respiratory tract pathology which is a reflex to throw out items that came in the form of private MedlineEskişehir Chest Diseases Specialist Hospital. Duc Gülsüm Erol, about the causes and treatment of cough.
Cough, a severe contraction of the vocal cords which consists of a pale granting the closure of the larynx. The pectoral muscles of the abdominal muscles is accompanied by a sudden contraction. Forces, and are forced to increase the pressure in the trachea open throat vibration of the vocal cords gırtlaktaki leads to the typical cough sound.

There are two basic types of cough!
Dry cough, smoking, irritants such as smoke causes mucus forming the larynx, trachea, bronchial infections, cough, pleurisy seen in diseases such as type of the pleura. Cough sound vibration of the vocal cords consist of only
Productive cough, infection caused by phlegm, mucus and pus out of the scorer cough. Stretching the vocal cords for respiratory motion of particles in the resulting speech sounds sputum is also added.
Them cough may also occur for different reasons!
If seizures cough: Making A cut deep and noisy breath, severe cough occurs repeatedly. Typically seen in whooping cough, bronchial mucosa damaged in the circumstances, but he escaped or foreign bodies in the respiratory tract may occur.
Bark like cough: Cough dry, and the patient's voice low. Laryngitis, diphtheria and so on. inflammation of the vocal cords due to illness, especially in young children with acute inflammation of the larynx-trachea-bronchial seen.
Hoarse cough: Very uncomfortable. Throat tumor or tuberculosis, severe lesions of the vocal cords as seen.
Psychogenic cough: the person gets mad or gets excited becomes apparent.
Metallic cough: Home trachea and large bronchi diseases related to the high-pitched, metallic sounding cough.
Emetic cough: severe coughing spells, vomiting, and exits. This condition is often found in children. Vomiting stomach nothing to do with this type of diseases.
Urine'm running cough: More advanced age is seen in women with chronic asthma.The patient complained of cough, although it is a lot of urine evasion afraid to tell the doctor that.
Smoker's cough: cough, bronchial irritation symptom in smokers. For these patients the best chance of a beginner chronic bronchitis , bronchial cancer in worst-case scenario.
Night cough: cough at night removes the patient's sleep left heart failure, asthma, postnasal drip, and reflux are found in patients
Food cough: cough dishes have an affair, hiatus hernia, inflammation of the esophagus and stomach disorders should be considered.
Cough despicable form of: upper respiratory tract diseases more common, something stuck in the throat or cough, which is the type of effort to throw him to ask.
How is Cough?
Should be directed to the treatment of the disease is due to cough. Dry cough, air pollution , or eliminated, such as smoking causes irritation mostly cut off time. Cough with a good ventilation and air nemlendirilmesiyle greatly reduced.
This infection is stricken cough should be treated with antibiotics. Coughs caused by infections, germs accumulate in the lungs, unlike kesilmeyip supported.
Least three factors that cause chronic cough reflux , asthma and post-nasal discharge rule out these conditions should be investigated by further examination is necessary.


Foot care is one of the most important indicators of health and personal hygiene.

A large part of the day standing, walking or running to catch a place better understanding the importance of foot health is considered passed. Physical inactivity, excess weight, the summer months of improper footwear choices and adversely affect the health of some chronic diseases foot. Memorial Service, Department of Dermatology Hospital Dist. Dr. Marilyn National, foot and nail health briefed.
Regular foot examination is very important
Feet bear the burden of the whole body has a very complex structure. Foot muscles, bones, joints and nail structure, as well as diseases caused by diabetes , arterial and venous disorders, neurological and systemic rheumatic diseases, such as some of the first signs of the disease may occur in standing. Skin and nail in relation to eczema, calluses, fungus, psoriasis, disease, the symptoms of diseases such as lichen occur.Regular examination of the foot and foot care can be solved a lot of problems before they arise. diabetes and circulatory disorders in people with skin wounds can be opened for easy feeding of trauma due to corruption and delayed wound healing, considering the protection of these people are trained on trauma.
Fungal infections with attention to the weather to warm up!
Fungal infections, toe, including whitening, soles of the feet may give a glimpse of the form of redness and flaking nails yellow black color change and thickening may occur.Particularly in summer, due to the use of common areas such as pools do fungal infections need to be treated prior to the standoffs. At the same time erysipelas (erysipelas) can form a team like the entrance door with a bacterial infection. Keeping feet dry, with a preference of cotton socks and fungal growth can be prevented by wearing the same shoes one day apart.
Choose comfortable shoes to prevent the formation of calluses
Another major problem calluses on the foot. Callus bone prominences or skin thickening on pressure points. The edges of the foot calluses, foot soles on their backs or be . And wide-toed shoes are not too high to avoid callus prefer, regular footcare creams to apply to use supporting materials are useful in areas with bone spurs.The treatment effect of locally applied drugs or diluent Nasir "cryotherapy" treatment may be called ice cream with liquid nitrogen.
Attention to cutting toenails
Ingrown nails, the skin around the nail is a condition that can be painful at times it is embedded. Wreck of the knob is able to provide quite an inconvenience to people.The wreck site of infection has improved, redness and discharge may also occur.Consists of more frequent toe. Blood circulation disorders, systemic diseases, diabetes and foot skeletal abnormalities are common. False nail failure, trauma, and the use of inappropriate footwear may cause the table. Principally in the treatment of bacterial infection is accompanied by antibiotics, the use of local antibiotic therapy, if you have nail fungus infection is very severe wreck yapılmaktadırEğer his treatment, surgical intervention may be required. In this case, "the nail brace application" may be an effective solution. Also, in general, take care of your toenails cut bluntly göstermelive cutting the white part of the nail end should be cut up to appear as 1-2 mm.
