Sunday, August 4, 2013

Despite an increase in air-conditioned environments temperatures presence with each passing day, the weather changes and causes respiratory diseases.

Cough is the most common symptoms of respiratory diseases. Cough, respiratory tract pathology which is a reflex to throw out items that came in the form of private MedlineEskişehir Chest Diseases Specialist Hospital. Duc Gülsüm Erol, about the causes and treatment of cough.
Cough, a severe contraction of the vocal cords which consists of a pale granting the closure of the larynx. The pectoral muscles of the abdominal muscles is accompanied by a sudden contraction. Forces, and are forced to increase the pressure in the trachea open throat vibration of the vocal cords gırtlaktaki leads to the typical cough sound.

There are two basic types of cough!
Dry cough, smoking, irritants such as smoke causes mucus forming the larynx, trachea, bronchial infections, cough, pleurisy seen in diseases such as type of the pleura. Cough sound vibration of the vocal cords consist of only
Productive cough, infection caused by phlegm, mucus and pus out of the scorer cough. Stretching the vocal cords for respiratory motion of particles in the resulting speech sounds sputum is also added.
Them cough may also occur for different reasons!
If seizures cough: Making A cut deep and noisy breath, severe cough occurs repeatedly. Typically seen in whooping cough, bronchial mucosa damaged in the circumstances, but he escaped or foreign bodies in the respiratory tract may occur.
Bark like cough: Cough dry, and the patient's voice low. Laryngitis, diphtheria and so on. inflammation of the vocal cords due to illness, especially in young children with acute inflammation of the larynx-trachea-bronchial seen.
Hoarse cough: Very uncomfortable. Throat tumor or tuberculosis, severe lesions of the vocal cords as seen.
Psychogenic cough: the person gets mad or gets excited becomes apparent.
Metallic cough: Home trachea and large bronchi diseases related to the high-pitched, metallic sounding cough.
Emetic cough: severe coughing spells, vomiting, and exits. This condition is often found in children. Vomiting stomach nothing to do with this type of diseases.
Urine'm running cough: More advanced age is seen in women with chronic asthma.The patient complained of cough, although it is a lot of urine evasion afraid to tell the doctor that.
Smoker's cough: cough, bronchial irritation symptom in smokers. For these patients the best chance of a beginner chronic bronchitis , bronchial cancer in worst-case scenario.
Night cough: cough at night removes the patient's sleep left heart failure, asthma, postnasal drip, and reflux are found in patients
Food cough: cough dishes have an affair, hiatus hernia, inflammation of the esophagus and stomach disorders should be considered.
Cough despicable form of: upper respiratory tract diseases more common, something stuck in the throat or cough, which is the type of effort to throw him to ask.
How is Cough?
Should be directed to the treatment of the disease is due to cough. Dry cough, air pollution , or eliminated, such as smoking causes irritation mostly cut off time. Cough with a good ventilation and air nemlendirilmesiyle greatly reduced.
This infection is stricken cough should be treated with antibiotics. Coughs caused by infections, germs accumulate in the lungs, unlike kesilmeyip supported.
Least three factors that cause chronic cough reflux , asthma and post-nasal discharge rule out these conditions should be investigated by further examination is necessary.



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